Neonplus®: A Year of Growth, Sustainability, and Innovation in 2023

It’s been a busy year, as always, here at Neonplus®. We’ve partnered with CarbonQuota to offset our Hippo Carbon Footprint. Read more about this on our Sustainability page.
We’ve created a marketing team who are behind what you’re reading now—all the great content across our socials and in industry magazines such as A1 Retail and Retail Focus. In addition to this, they’ve been documenting our workshop and the behind-the-scenes action and sending out all the lovely emails you receive (if you don’t get them, subscribe here).
We also had our first year exhibiting at the Visual Merchandising and Display Show—an all-hands-on-deck operation. We carted the stand and all the visual delights down to the big smoke, and our sales team spent a few days talking about who we are and what we do. The images at the end of the blog are a look back at the shows from the last 11 years; it’s safe to say that we’ve come a long way.
As with all companies, we've had people come and go. We bid farewell to seven team members this year but welcomed ten new members whom we’re glad to have as part of our signage family in the new year. Additionally, we’ve had a reshuffle within the departments, and five team members have moved into new roles, promoting creative thinking and productivity.
During the summer, we had a visit from Mr. Whippy for all to enjoy. Then, in late summer, we had a BBQ and some questionable bean bag throwing…
Most companies have a bit of trial and error when it comes to software, but this year we’ve moved to new HR and Accounting software, which we’re confident will streamline the boring stuff and allow us to focus on the more important things.
For now, that’s all from us. It’s been a busy year with lots of positive changes to carry forward into 2024 🎉